Nimai Public School is a CBSE (KG – Grade VIII) school established in the year 2013. Our school excels on the quality of its educational programmes, the professionalism of its staff, the enthusiasm of its students and the high level of support provided by parents and community members.
We are an open school and we actively seek participation and involvement from the whole school community. We are one of the schools that also serve the rural area and are continually growing in size.
At Nimai, we believe in an inclusive curriculum and a hands-on approach to learning, enabling students to acquire knowledge faster and become more sharp-witted.
Our aim is to prepare the students for the future by providing a balanced combination of theoretical and practical education inclusive of spiritual and values.
The school’s experienced teachers cultivate all round development of qualities in a student through excellence in education that shall foster academics, understanding, brilliance, spiritual well-being, physical development, psychological strengths, resourcefulness and creative skills, social responsibility and concern for one's environment.