Kindly note that the school premises and the surrounding areas are under surveillance of CCTV cameras.
Submit all the required documents/certificates and photos, etc. in time to avoid any inconveniences.
Follow the rules given in the diary regarding 'UNIFORM & SHOES'.
Focused with knowledge you are going to develop life skills, values, morals, spiritual, and social behavior.
Kindly ensure prompt and timely payment of school fees/dues.
School has an active WHATSAPP service to communicate with the parents on all school matters; kindly be active and alert to check all the messages received on your phone from the school.
Any change in the correspondence address/phone number/email id, etc. should be promptly communicated to the school office for updating the school records.
It is a must for all parents to attend PTM after every examination/assessment to acquaint themselves with the latest progress of their wards in academics and co-scholastic activities.
Please check your ward's almanac daily and sign the remarks if any to take necessary action.
Please ensure that your ward carries books/exercise books according to the timetable for the day.
Kindly check the school bag, haircut, nails, uniform, and punctuality of your ward in the morning before sending him/her to school.
Please be present at the school bus stop 10 minutes earlier in the morning as well as in the evening when the school bus picks up and drops your ward at your respective bus stop.
The school students should be proud of their school and uphold the values and ethics. Their code of conduct is the reflection of their education in school.